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(Post #1)


things your pastor wants to say but probably won't.

In defense of Chivalry

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Five Toxic Habits that Will Destroy Your Marriage

Five Toxic Habits that Will Destroy Your Marriage

I once met someone who told me that in the entire length of their long marriage they had never had an argument with their spouse.  As that sunk in, I found myself wondering what other lies he had told me.  If you have a marriage that...


Five Things Your Pastor Wants to Say to You (but probably won’t)

Five things your pastor wants to say to you...but probably won't. 

If most church members took starting time at work in the same way they look at the start of a church service, they’d be unemployed. Sauntering in to the service 15-20 minutes after it starts might mean you got a few extra winks, but to the people who have been there since 6:00 a.m. preparing for the worship service...well, it’s just somewhere between irritating and disrespectful... 


In defense of Chivalry

In defense of chivalry

...Wow.  I was not prepared for the splash-back on that one!  I was called a chauvinist, “old”, out-of-touch, condescending and a variety of other epithets ranging from the unkind to the uncouth.  Some of it even came from my conservative and more traditional friends who felt the need to enlighten me on the ways of the world in this enlightened and modern age in which it is considered hateful to even suggest...